Guitar & Studio Gears

About the Guitar & Studio Gears Articles

My crowded pedalboard

Within the posts of this blog, I am testing the best guitar and studio gears needed to perform at the highest level and to be able to produce music with the best sound ever. More importantly, I’m delivering particular bits of advice in every review published at GGG.

You want the best gear possible to play at your best?

Searching and comparing results play a crucial role in your quest to get the equipment you’re looking. Nowadays, it’s almost impossible to go to a music store to test it. Chances are they won’t have it in stock or there’s no music store in your area. The Internet has killed local businesses, and as time goes by, there is less and less choice at your disposal. The shop owner won’t order the gear you’re interested in only for you to give it a try.

Searching online is frustrating. Most of the sites who are covering the article you want are mainly interested in making a sale. They are not delivering the info you need to help you to take a decision. It’s always the most amazing product you can get, and they are selling it at the best price available. In other words, you have to know what you are buying. Otherwise, it’s a guess.

Musicians are getting overwhelmed by the gigantic amount of equipment available. If you want to get the right tools, you have to get access to honest reviews demonstrating the gears in detail and explain clearly the pros and cons of each device. is an excellent tool to skip the hassle and to get straight to the point to discover the best guitar gears and to learn everything about them.

All my articles are written based on my expertise, most of the time illustrated by a video demonstrating the gear. If I don’t have the gear I want to review, I’ll borrow it from a pal.

This is the reason I decided to run this blog. I have lots of experience, and I owned at a moment or another of my musical career, everything that can be useful to make some electric noise.

If you have any interrogations about any guitar gear or would like to offer any knowledge you have gained over the years from your experience using any of the gear reviewed on, please use the contact form and let talk about it.

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