Skulled SG Featuring Bill Lawrence Pickups and 3X3-05 Free-Way Toggle (Ultra)
Skulled SG
The Skulled SG is one of my last builds. Before moving to Chiang Mai, Thailand, I made it around the summer of 2019.
It stayed in my parent’s attic for a couple of years until I decided to import all my gear because my parents were selling the family home. And because I missed my gears, having “only” 3 guitars with me, I failed nacked and was frustrated not to have my gargantuan guitar collection with me. I was sad to imagine them taking dust and pleasing only flies and mosquitos.

3X3-05 Free-Way Toggle (Ultra) HH Phase Scheme + Parallel/Split 2V/2T
I respected the wiring precisely. It’s a pain to wire that switch.
Positions 1, 2 & 3 are standard neck/both/bridge humbucker settings, combinations of both pickups. Individual ‘Coil-Split’ and ‘parallel’ push/pull switches work in all Free-Way positions. Positions 4,5 & 6 are Both in series (4), out-of-phase in series (5), and out-of-phase in parallel (6).
Master Volume works in all switch positions. Bridge Volume works in pos. 3 or adjust the Bridge Pickup mix in pos. 2, 4, 5 & 6. any particular pickup manufacturer.
For Bee video using the Skulled SG Featuring Bill Lawrence Pickups and Free-Way Toggle
I recently made a video using this guitar; you can watch it here or on my Youtube Channel.
In that song, I used position 2 ( both pickups in parallel) with the neck pickup in parallel. And position 3 ( bridge pickup in series.
>>> Hervé Senni YouTube Channel <<<
The body
I made this guitar from a kit ordered on aliexpress. Well, it wasn’t a kit. I contacted a seller selling this guitar but didn’t want their finish and hardware. So I asked if I could order only the wood parts.
If I remember right, I paid the body parts 250€ shipping included.
Bill Lawrence Pickups
I ordered them on his website, and they were hand-wired by his wife. I am trying to remember the price, and all I know is they are the best pickups I have ever played. They have ridiculously high output but sound amazing in clean, crunch, and ultra-lead sound.
You can use them for metal or jazz and everything in between.
Stetsbar Tremolo
Tremolo is a Stetsbar. I like this vibrato. It plays great and is easy to install. It wasn’t easy to find one during Covid times, but now they look like they are back in business. Great, it’s a nice tremolo.
Where to buy the 3X3-05 Free-Way Toggle
I am Hervé Senni, a pro musician and performer, Composer and arranger for quite some time. My main musical instrument is the electric guitar. I am also a bass player, mandolin, Ukulele player. I also invented string instruments.
Over the years, repairing and improving electric guitars that did not have to be upgraded converted me into a self-taught luthier.