Kazuki Neon Mini TL Telecaster
Kazuki Neon Mini TL Telecaster
This article is a review of the Kazuki Neon Mini Telecaster guitar.
I bought this guitar in the first place because I wanted to turn it into a mandola.
I already did that job using a kid guitar from Thomann, and it worked just fine.
Right after I received this mini-Telecaster, I decided to import all my beloved instruments from France.
So why turn it into a mandola when I have one already done? By the way, I’m still waiting for my instruments.
They are somewhere around Singapour, and there have been many delays due to the Suez Canal incident.
I decided to test it like a guitar, and I fell in love with it right away.
The scale is 578 mm, which is 22.7″ inch. The guitar is intended to be tuned in A.
It’s like playing a regular guitar with a capo at the fifth fret.
Or like a ukulele with two extra-low strings.
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It’s not easier than a regular guitar because string tension is higher. Still, the shorter neck allows playing extended fingerings impossible to do on a guitar.
The downside: Bends are more challenging than a strat. But bends are more difficult on a Les paul than a strat already. The neck is a lot shorter, so it’s much harder to bend strings on this mini guitar.
>>> Electric guitar for kids 3/4 <<<
The most interesting aspect of it is the range. Playing a fourth higher allows playing in the upper register easily. The higher range nullifies clashing frequency issues when overdubbing or playing with a regular guitar.
The sound of the pickups is fantastic. I was amazed by the quality of such a low-price instrument. The only thing I miss is a tremolo. Maybe one day, I’ll install a stets Bar tremolo like on my senior custom telecaster.
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I am Hervé Senni, a pro musician and performer, Composer and arranger for quite some time. My main musical instrument is the electric guitar. I am also a bass player, mandolin, Ukulele player. I also invented string instruments.
Over the years, repairing and improving electric guitars that did not have to be upgraded converted me into a self-taught luthier.
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