Ukulele Bass Review – Saysen Solid-body Electric Ubass with Kala Round Wound Strings
Check me out Rocking my Electric Ubass

I bought this Ubass at Aliexpress in Jun. 2019.
I didn’t use it much until recently. When I finally decided to test it, I fell in love right away. I was already hooked on the acoustic Ubass. The electric version is more versatile than the acoustic one. It is more usable in a vast array of music styles.
>>> Find the Ubass of your dreams<<<
Kaysen Ubass
The brand is Kaysen. I paid $177, shipping included. It’s a 30 Inches Solidbody instrument. 22 frets neck made out of maple and Fingerboard of Rosewood. It was delivered with Aquila Nylon Strings. I swapped them right away for Kala strings to make a bigger difference with my acoustic Ubass. The body is made out of Ash Wood, and the Piezo pickup is under the bridge as usual. It’s an active electronic with a really high and sensible output.
So you have a volume, treble, and bass pot. Setting the bass too high is noisy. The neck is straightforward to play with. As you can see, there’s a massive bump in the body. I received it likes that. It doesn’t matter, really. It’s not visible from the front, and it doesn’t get any larger.
You can get the same exact Ubass under different names; this is the beauty of Aliexpress. So the brand name is not essential. Those are OEM products. You can also find the factory making them on Alibaba and have them tagged under your own name if you want. You just have to order a certain amount. Sometimes sellers are ok with one instrument. Just need to ask.
Active Electronic: pros & Cons
The active electronic is a bit tricky to deal with. It is loud and so sensible that you hear pick noise or finger noise louder than the note itself. That’s why I’m using a felt pick. It’s a little harder to play fast because the pick is really thick, but you get used to it quickly. However, even with the felt pick, I cannot use the full range of the active electronic. If I put the bass pot or the treble pot flat out, I have lots of noise. So I am better to set it in the middle and boost the bass on the EQ. It’s challenging to get a good loud and silent sound. It’s either too low or noisy.
I’m going to show you a couple of examples of music style, totally unexpected for a Ubass. One of the songs is mixing synth sound using the C4 Synth pedal and clean sound.
Check the video
Bass & Ubass Comparison
I really like this instrument. The extreme short neck allows you to play differently from a regular bass.
Also, the sound is between double bass and electric bass. I’ll do a comparison video soon.
Get yourself a eletric Ubass
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>>> Distrokid<<<
I am Hervé Senni, a pro musician and performer, Composer and arranger for quite some time. My main musical instrument is the electric guitar. I am also a bass player, mandolin, Ukulele player. I also invented string instruments.
Over the years, repairing and improving electric guitars that did not have to be upgraded converted me into a self-taught luthier.
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